''The Lieutenant'' is a historical novel by Kate Grenville, published in 2008. The novel loosely follows historical facts based on the experiences of William Dawes, an officer of the Royal Marines who was on the 1788 First Fleet from England to the New South Wales colony. His position was astronomer, though he took an opportunity to observe and record the language of the Australian Aboriginal people (Eora) of the immediate area. ==Plot== Daniel Rooke (loosely based on Dawes) is a self-possessed boy whose parents seek to better his prospects in life by having him brought to the attention of important people and thus given opportunities others of his station in life may not have had. Among them is the Astronomer Royal. He is a mathematical prodigy but must keep this or else be victimized by adults and fellow students. After graduating from the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth, he takes up a commission in the Royal Marines. During the American Revolutionary War, he is almost killed by a falling spar, and takes several years to recover. Just before the First Fleet sails for what is be the penal colony of New South Wales, he is invited by the Astronomer Royal to take instruments and observe the passage of a predicted comet. He accepts, and is also in the company of another officer (Silk) who he had known during the war. As the astronomer, Rooke is given considerable freedom and establishes an observatory on a headland outside the colony's camp, and remains there in a hut except when required to be at the camp or on routine, weekly meals to remain in contact with other officers. Rooke establishes contact with the local Aboriginal people, and a young girl in particular who teaches him words while also learning English. Rooke keeps several books with grammar and meanings of words. Silk finds the books, and wants them to become part of his reports on the colony to a publisher in London. A member of the colony is speared by aboriginals after what may have been an attempt to kill aborigines. The Governor of New South Wales orders Silk to take a party to capture the particular Aborigine. Rooke is to accompany the party, and shares the intent of the party to the girl with the idea that the aborigines should be warned. Rooke's has compromised his own position, but is personally at peace with the decision.